To combat the spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), given the severity of risks posed to the public, Court staff, and other Court agencies, the undersigned Chief Judge issued General Order No. 21-15, effective on November 1, 2021. Since the order, there have been instances when attorneys practicing before the Court, their employees, and witnesses subpoenaed or otherwise instructed by attorneys to appear at the courthouse have entered without the proper credentials outlined above and have necessitated that the Court supply, at Court expense, a rapid test to be self-administered prior to entry. Accordingly, General Order No. 21-15 is hereby AMENDED effective December 20, 2021, as follows:
All individuals seeking entry to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana (including District Judges’ chambers and courtrooms, Magistrate Judges’ chambers and courtrooms, the Clerk’s Office, the U.S. Probation Office, and the U.S. Bankruptcy Court) must provide proof of vaccination or a negative PCR test within 72 hours before entry. If anyone needing to enter the courthouse does not have the required credentials, the Court will provide a rapid test to be self-administered prior to entry subject to the following paragraph.
Attorneys admitted to practice before this Court, as well as their employees and witnesses, must provide proof of vaccination or a negative PCR test taken within 72 hours before entry. Attorneys who fail to comply with this Order and/or fail to ensure that their employees and witnesses comply with this Order may be sanctioned by the Court, including, but not limited to, being ordered to reimburse the Court the cost of the rapid test plus an administrative fee, totaling $200.00 per instance.