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Attorney Frequently Asked Questions
Who may become a member of the bar of the district court?
Any member in good standing of the bar of the supreme Court of Louisiana is eligible for admission to the bar of the Eastern District of Louisiana.
What procedures do I need to follow to be sworn in as a member of the bar of the U.S. District Court?
Each applicant for admission to the bar of this court shall file with the clerk a written petition signed by him or her and endorsed by two members of the bar of this court listing the applicant's residence and office address, his or her general and legal education, the courts that have admitted him or her to practice, and stating that the applicant is qualified to practice before this court, is of good moral character and is not subject to any pending disbarment or professional discipline procedure in any other court. If the applicant has previously been subject to any disciplinary proceedings, full information about the proceedings, the charges and the result will be given.
- The petitioner may then be admitted in open court or in chambers, and upon taking the oath, he or she shall then, under direction of the clerk, sign the roll of attorneys and pay the fees required by law and by the court.
Each applicant for admission to the bar of this court shall file with the clerk a written petition signed by him or her and endorsed by two members of the bar of this court listing the applicant's residence and office address, his or her general and legal education, the courts that have admitted him or her to practice, and stating that the applicant is qualified to practice before this court, is of good moral character and is not subject to any pending disbarment or professional discipline procedure in any other court. If the applicant has previously been subject to any disciplinary proceedings, full information about the proceedings, the charges and the result will be given.
May I take the oath of admissions for the bar of the U.S. District Court before an out-of-state federal judge?
No, the Eastern District of Louisiana has not authorized this practice.
Is there an admission fee to become a member of the district court's bar?
Yes, please see "Admission of attorney to practice" in the court's fee schedule.
How can I get a new Attorney Admission Certificate from the court?
A duplicate Attorney Admission Certificate may be obtained from the clerk's office. The cost for this can be found in the court's fee schedule under "Duplicate certificate of admission".
How do I request a Certificate of Good Standing from the court?
Members of the bar of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana may request a certificate of good standing by contacting the clerk's office at (504) 589-7674. The cost per certificate can be found on the court's fees schedule under "Certificate of Good Standing"
Does the court charge an annual attorney registration fee?
Yes. Pursuant to the Rules of Disciplinary Enforcement, members of the bar of this court are required to file a registration statement and to pay an annual fee of $15.00. This registration fee is to be paid triennially in the amount of $45. However, an attorney first admitted in the second or third year of any triennial period shall be required to make proportionate payment only for those years of such period in which the attorney's membership in the bar is effective.
Who must submit an attorney registration form to the clerk of court each year?
Every attorney subject to the Rules of Disciplinary Enforcement shall file a new registration statement every three years or when an attorney is first admitted. A supplement statement must be forwarded to the clerk of court within 30 days of any change on the latest statement.
If I change my mailing address, do I need to notify the court?
Yes. Pursuant to LR 83.2.2, any attorney admitted to practice in this court is required to file a supplemental statement of an address change pertaining to the information previously submitted within 30 days of such change.
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- Click the Maintenance tab
- Click Update Address Information
- Enter Reason for Update
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- Submit
How do I get my named placed on the docket sheet as an attorney of record?
The names of the attorneys listed on an initial pleading filed on behalf of a party are placed on the docket sheet. Pursuant to LR 83.2.12, where counsel has appeared for any party, other counsel may appear for the same party only:
A. Upon motion of counsel of record for that party, or motion consented to by him or her; or
B. Upon motion, after counsel for the party has been permitted to withdraw or has died, or is incapacitated, or cannot be found; or
C. Upon motion of a party after notice to counsel of record.
How do I get my name removed from the docket sheet as an attorney of record?
Pursuant to LR 83.2.11, The original counsel of record must represent the party for whom he or she appears unless the court permits him or her to withdraw from the case. Counsel of record may obtain permission only upon joint motion (of current counsel of record and new counsel of record) to substitute counsel or upon a written motion served on opposing counsel and the client. If other counsel is not thereby substituted, the motion to withdraw must contain the present address of the client and the client’s telephone number if the client can be reached by telephone. The motion must be accompanied by a certificate of service, including a statement that the client has been notified of all deadlines and pending court appearances, served on both the client by certified mail and opposing counsel, or an affidavit stating why service has not been made. [Amended February 1, 2011]