After a party files a notice of appeal, the Clerk’s Office for the Eastern District of Louisiana will file trial and evidentiary hearing exhibits in the court’s electronic case filing system (CM/ECF) so that they can become part of the Electronic Record on Appeal (EROA) at the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. The Clerk’s Office will issue a Notice of Redaction Responsibility advising the parties that, unless sealed by the court, admitted or proffered exhibits will be filed and docketed in CM/ECF and accessible by court users and case participants. The parties will have 14 days to submit a redacted version of all trial or evidentiary hearing exhibits which complies with the privacy protection requirements of the Federal Rules of Appellate, Civil, Criminal, and Bankruptcy Procedure and to file a motion to submit a redacted version of an exhibit which contains sensitive information. Remote public access to all non-sealed exhibits will be provided upon request to those trial and hearing exhibits filed in CM/ECF which comply with the privacy protection requirements of the Federal Rules. If the court allows a party to file a redacted version of an exhibit, only the redacted exhibit will be accessible by the public upon request.
More details regarding the procedure the Clerk's Office will follow are included in "Clerk's Corner, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana, Trial Exhibits in CM/ECF", published in The Advocate, the newsletter of the Federal Bar Association, New Orleans Chapter, Summer edition, 2016.